• Regional Director

    Joseph Tazewell
  • Regional Co-Chairs

    Félix V. Matos Rodríguez Chancellor, City University of New York William D. Rahm Regional Co-Chair
  • Regional Council Members

    Stuart Appelbaum President, RWDSU Linda Baran President & CEO, Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Wellington Chen Executive Director, Chinatown Partnership Faith C. Corbett Assistant Vice President, Public Affairs & Partnerships, City Tech, CUNY Michael Cusick President & CEO, Staten Island Economic Development Corporation Lisa Futterman Regional Director, New York City, Workforce Development Institute David Garza President & CEO, Henry Street Settlement Thomas J. Grech President & CEO, Queens Chamber of Commerce Kyle Kimball Vice President, Government Relations & Community Engagement, New York University Kenneth Knuckles Vice Chair, New York City Planning Commission Gary LaBarbera President, Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York Nick Lugo President & CEO, New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Melva Miller Chief of Engagement, The New Terminal One, JFK International Airport Carlo A. Scissura, Esq. President & CEO of the New York Building Congress Lisa Sorin President, Bronx Chamber of Commerce Douglas C. Steiner Chairman, Steiner Studios Marcel Van Ooyen President & CEO, Grow NYC Jessica Walker President & CEO, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Kathryn Wylde President & CEO, Partnership for New York City Kinda Younes Executive Director, Industrial & Technology Assistance Corporation
  • Ex-Officio

    Maria Torres-Springer First Deputy Mayor, City of New York Vanessa L Gibson Bronx Borough President Antonio Reynoso Brooklyn Borough President Mark Levine Manhattan Borough President Donovan Richards Queens Borough President Vito J. Fossella Staten Island Borough President

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Joseph Tazewell, Regional Director