New York City Regional Economic Development Council
The New York City Regional Economic Development Council (NYC REDC) is the economic development advisory body for the five boroughs of New York City.
Project Tracking Dashboard
The Project Tracking Dashboard provides information on previously funded CFA Projects. This interactive tool allows for summarization and analysis of all project data. It contains four tabs: Top Level Stats, Investments & Jobs, a Map, and an Appendix. For more information on how to use and interpret the dashboard, please see the Dashboard Guidance Document.
In 2011, the President of the Brooklyn Navy Yard invited David Belt to visit Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Building 128, a deserted, rotted-out, but beautiful iron skeleton of American's manufacturing past...
Learn about the progress of the region and successful projects in each of the five boroughs.
State of the Region: 2017
Learn about the progress of the region and successful projects in each of the five boroughs.
Downtown Revitalization Initiative & NY Forward
New York State's Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) is transforming downtown neighborhoods into vibrant communities where the next generation of New Yorkers will want to live work and raise families.